Solid waste general permits apply the same or similar conditions to all facilities covered under the permit. Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring | Missouri ... monitoring equipment. Waste flows (Source: Irish Environmental Protection Agency) An integral system of solid waste management is based on the analysis, discussion and defining of the methods and procedures of solid waste treatment. 3. Monitoring . Permitting. This increases diversion, as well, and helps you manage proper disposal and logistics. FCS proactively worked with the Town of Windsor to review their existing CEQA Checklist analyzing the five potential solid waste franchise proposals. Air Pollution. 2 community on the proper practices of disposing solid waste. Solid Waste Division The Solid Waste Division (SWD) has a primary responsibility to operate according to ADEC Solid Waste Permit SW1A009-13. Solid Waste Program - The Solid Waste Program regulates health and environmental compliance at solid waste facilities through a combination of design review, permits and authorizations, inspections, monitoring, and compliance assistance. 16. environmental monitoring. Solid Waste General Permits | DEQ Compliance monitoring and enforcement. . Polluted soil may be disposed in a Class II landfill only with prior approval from the landfill and the ADEC Solid Waste Program. The system includes 36 wells that are mostly monitored quarterly. Cardboard and waste paper recycling saved the State of Alaska close to $5,500 in tipping fees alone. Total Reclaim Inc. Anchorage Recycling Center. ITRC - Alternative Landfill Technologies. monitoring activities during operating hours, conducting litter clean up, managing burn box operations, compacting and covering MSW and inert waste on a regular basis, and road access maintenance. Municipal solid waste: REPORT ON STATUS OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN JODHPUR CITY: 21-12-2011: ZO Bhopal: 960.45 KB: 84: Municipal solid waste: Status of MSW Collection , treatment and disposal in and around Jodhpur city: 21-12-2011: ZO Bhopal: 7.02 MB: 85: Industrial Pollution: Coal Mine Waste Water Discharge on Surroundings w.r.t . This guidance should be used in conjunction with the regulations. This document was prepared by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Solid Waste Management Program (SWMP) to provide guidance for the proper design and construction of gas monitoring wells to comply with the quarterly monitoring required by 10 CSR 80-3.010(14) and 10 CSR 80-4.010(14). The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Solid Waste Program proposes to deliver hands-on technical assistance on solid waste management in eight rural communities throughout Alaska. Yes / No . encountered were groundwater monitoring requirements for solid waste management facilities, leachate collection requirements, air monitoring of solid waste management facilities, and waste characterization . 23-04-2021. To better understand the impact of a pay-as-you-throw program, it is important to include a plan for monitoring and evaluation. The permit stipulates how and what waste may be disposed, groundwater monitoring requirements, record keeping, etc. Prevention Plans approved by ADEC which have regular inspection, monitoring, samplingand , reporting requirements. Ground Water Monitoring Guidance For Solid Waste Landfill Units (PN124)... 30 Reviewing Ground Water Monitoring Reports For Solid Waste Landfills (PN116)... 51 Storage of Solid Waste Incidental to Recycling, Reuse, Reclamation or Salvage (PN136)... 55 INTER DIVISIONAL AGREEMENTS - POLICY AREA The Municipality of Anchorage's (MOA) Department of Solid Waste Services (SWS), comprised of the Refuse Collection Utility (RCU) and Solid Waste Disposal Utility (SWDU), is defined as a municipal utility by Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC 26.10.015 ). 1. A case study based in Using a general permit to cover numerous facilities reduces paperwork and ensures consistency of permit conditions for similar facilities. The Solid Waste Department holds an annual HWCP event in Seldovia. REVIEW COMMENTS PROJECT: BLM Red Devil Mine DOCUMENT: Draft FS, v3 DATE: 9/17/15 REVIEWER: ADEC Solid Waste PHONE: (907) 269-1099 Item No. Solid Waste Management facilities in the Commonwealth of . Program staff are dedicated to improving compliance and permitting at all solid waste facilities in Alaska. 18, Accounting for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Closure and Postclosure Care Costs and an Engineer's Estimate per Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation . 08-03-2021. 15.95 MB. PDF. This webpage will be updated with additional guidance and resources as they become available. By recycling these materials, ANC saved the State of Alaska over $10,000.00 in tipping fees at the landfill. 9213-BA-001, were closed in 1997. The permit period is for five years and the application process includes drawings, documents, and plans demonstrating the applicant meets . ANCHORAGE, AK (January 18, 2019) - Donlin Gold received two permit decisions with the issuance of its Waste Management permit from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), which details how solid, liquid and hazardous waste will be handled, and the Reclamation Plan (Plan) approval, including Financial Assurance requirements, from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources . The main purpose of this position is to implement and enforce the state solid waste regulations in order to protect public and environmental health by minimizing the impacts of solid waste . 9. demonstration. Location (page, par., sen.) COMMENTS BLM Response 1. Appendix B - Facilities and Materials Accepted by Solid Waste District Region. Let us help you set a solid foundation for your sustainability journey. •Hiring waste technicians and operators •Backhaul supplies •Backhaul of scrap metal/hazardous wastes •Computer and office equipment that slow you down •Council training, quickbooks training •Water and soil sampling training and monitoring of landfill •Grant writing for a new landfill •Burnboxes •Train and hire residents for ADEC Solid Waste Disposal Permit - SWZA011-23 18 AAC 60 Solid Waste Management regulations require inert waste monofills be managed and operated in accordance with all applicable permits and regulations. The solid waste general permits are available for your review below. aper 15 - Waste Monitoring ar ase aaee a 15 15-2 Waste Recycling and Diversion Rates The recycling rate is the percentage of all waste generated by residents and businesses that is re-manufactured and made into new products. The initial point is the possibility of its reduction, choosing the optimal ways of its treatment starting from its SWAN - Solid Waste Alaska Network. Article 4 as regulated by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). Encouraging waste minimization and pollution prevention for the benefit of all Arkansans. Certain aspects of solid waste handling primarily affect other issues considered under the Mining Ordinance and are addressed in staff reports on those issues. Once processed, you will receive your approval letter and a copy of the general permit to authorize your facility. A gas and water monitoring component is required by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The municipal solid waste sorting machine, referred to as MSW sorting plant, is designed according to the principle of reduction treatment and turning waste into treasure.The machine makes use of various sorting means, and can separate the organic matter, plastics, metals, masonry and other substances out from the municipal solid waste to the maximum, to improve the reusing and recycling of MSW. Without continuous monitoring over the landfill, disposal of objects like car batteries, chemicals, human . ADEC Solid Waste. Permit Application Forms and Documents. The system currently requires a bi-weekly check and rebalancing of over . SOLID-WASTE MANAGEMENT A GUIDE TO COMPETITIVE CONTRACTING FOR COLLECTION by Lynn Scarlett and J.M. Construction Recycling. Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring. No ADEC permits are required to operate these sites. Recycling from Ted Stevens Anchorage International (ANC) tenants and State of Alaska operations at ANC diverted over 350,000 pounds of solid waste from going into the Anchorage Regional Landfill. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation May 2021 Page | 87 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN RURAL ALASKA 5.6 Construction & Demolition Debris Class III landfills are not requiredto accept construction and demolition (C&D) debris, even from projects that benefit the community , such as water/sewer projects, schools, or housing . Report to the Vermont Legislature: Act 148 Implementation (Nov 2013) Final Report - Systems Analysis of the Impact of Act 148 on Solid Waste Management in Vermont (2013) Appendix A - Single Stream Material Losses. Monitoring waste also reduces liability, cost and environmental impact through identifying and providing alternative solutions based on your current waste profile. The material meets the conditions of the Borough's ADEC Solid Waste Permit? Encourage landfill operators and pertinent staff to attend solid waste trainings such as Rural Groundwater is a main source of drinking water for most Missourians and provides much of the water used to irrigate crops. Closure of the two landfills involved regrading the slopes to a maximum 3: I grade, installing drainage Appendix C - Overview of Composting and AD Technologies. guidance on different types of economical, technological and managerial challenges for the solid waste collection and management in developing countries. 4 The Solid Waste Program regulates health and environmental compliance at solid waste facilities through a combination of design review, permits and authorizations, inspections, monitoring, and compliance assistance. The permit stipulates how and what waste may be disposed of, groundwater monitoring requirements, record keeping, etc. ADEC 's preference is that landfills complete their regularly scheduled monitoring events. Monitoring and Evaluation. Program staff are dedicated to improving compliance and permitting at all solid waste facilities in Alaska. On December 17, 2021, DEC issued 548 NOIs to sue over the fed's continued inaction. AQM. Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2012. Alaska Solid Waste Service Providers Contact List 2011 Organization/Agenc y acronym FName LName Title Department City Phone Email Region SW Training/Service 2010-12 Alaska Dept of Enivormental Conservation ADEC or DEC Bob Blankenburg Program Manager SOA/DEC Solid Waste Anchorage 907-269-7802 bob.blankenburg@alask The analysis included three new potential facility locations proposed by Greenwaste as part of their solid waste removal contract. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for protecting all Pennsylvania citizens and the environment from hazardous material contaminants. The following criteria must be met to conduct disposal under this permit: With increasing frequency, radioactive material is detected in municipal and residual . Solid waste does not include sewage sludge or wastewater. Sterling was financed by an ADEC Grant and KPB funds and began operations in January 1997. Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Recycling from Ted Stevens Anchorage International (ANC) tenants and State of Alaska operations at ANC diverted over 250,000 pounds of solid waste from going into the Anchorage Regional Landfill. Our data management solutions give you the ability to analyze growth and meet goals across environmental, social, and governance data. Change in regulatory agency relationship for Solid llaste Services. Page | 2. with additional monitoring for hazardous constituents that may be required. PDF. ADEC's preference is that landfills complete their regularly scheduled monitoring events. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Solid Waste Program is providing this checklist to outline the minimum required content for a landfill groundwater monitoring report. . For any active demolition or sanitary landfill, ground monitoring for gas migration must be . Solid waste management is any of the work and programs to eliminate, collect, recycle, or landfill solid waste. Changes in waste generation amounts, the balance between costs and revenues, and other indicators can be closely tracked to gauge how well the new program is working. Our team of subject matter experts work with you to design, organize, and implement long-term data integration and management programs. The Municipality of Anchorage's (MOA) Solid Waste Services Department (SWS), comprised of . This checklist is not intended as a comprehensive groundwater monitoring guidance. Evaluation of modeling techniques for local air quality management planning in Delhi. S. . Fig. Waste in Rural Communities DEC Celebrates its 50th Anniversary The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), under authority of AS 46.03 and 18 AAC 60, issues a solid waste disposal permit to: Josie Bahnke, City Manager City ofNome P.O. For ADEC to permit your facility under one of the general permits, you must submit a complete application for review. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Solid Waste Program recognizes the need for flexibility in landfill water monitoring programs during this period of uncertainty. 0. DAA provides assistance and professional engineering, construction, design and consulting services to solid waste clients. Sites within 1,500 feet (approximately 0.25 mile) of the pipeline right-of-way (ROW) are listed in The ADEC Solid Waste Program (SWP) has convened a Monitoring Workgroup made up of SWP regional managers, facilities' regulators, and technical staff to develop programmatic policies and guidance for monitoring at solid waste facilities across the state. solid waste management program is often due to shortage of funding or education in the . There will be no harm to the borough or the borough solid waste . All procedures and monitoring must be in full compliance with the permit. Hong Kong 2013 Municipal Solid Waste - At a glance. Environmental public health is concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health. Additional regulation can be found in the and The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Solid Waste Program recognizes the need for flexibility in landfill water monitoring programs during this period of uncertainty. The following is a greeting given in one of the 20 indigenous languages recognized by the State of Alaska. 1 In response to public consultations, government released the Newfoundland and Labrador Waste Management Strategy in 2002 with the aim of province-wide modern waste management. M. "Solid waste disposal permit" means the permit issued by ADEC allowing solid waste disposal at the borough landfill. Program staff are dedicated to improving compliance and permitting at all solid waste facilities in Alaska. • Approval from ADEC Solid Waste Program • Approval from the landfill • A . These programs include efforts to reduce waste and reuse materials, as well as recycling, composting, trash collection, landfilling, and incineration. STP. Re: Red Dog Mine Waste Management Permit Application Dear Mr. Pilon +1 907 426 2177 Fax Teck Teck Cominco Alaska, Inc. (TCAK) is submitting this letter to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) as an application for an integrated waste management permit for the Red Dog Mine, as specified in AS46.03.100(d) Background Kenai and Nikiski were financed by State of Alaska Legislative and ADEC Grants and began operations in January 1995. R. "Solid Waste Disposal Permit" - Permit issued by ADEC allowing solid waste disposal at the Borough landfill. Of Interest Federal Responsibilities for Contaminated Lands in Alaska 50 years after ANCSA passed, contamination still threatens the health of Alaska Natives and limits the use of lands for which they gave up their aboriginal claims. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY PERFORMANCE MONITORING REPORT MAY 2017 (Revised as of October 2017) ii . Land Division, Solid Waste Program, Division 13, revised effective August 3, 2010. EPA Office of Solid Waste. Solid waste facilities which monitor groundwater under the requirements of Division 13 Regulations are required to submit Groundwater Monitoring Reports (GWMRs) Services include: SWPPP, SPCC, Landfill Design, Groundwater Monitoring. •Solid Waste - Treatment Permit if over 5 tons /day - Plan approval if less - Ash sampling •Air Quality - Required for incinerator over 1000#/hour capacity - Minor Permit - Emissions Monitoring Official Alaska State Website. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), under authority of AS 46.03 and 18 AAC 60, issues this regional solid waste disposal general permit for the operation and maintenance of Class III landfills located in the North Slope Borough. Solid Waste Facility Monitoring Memorandum 1,4-Dioxane Sampling Memo (May 2018) C & D Landfill Sampling Memo (July 2018) 14-day GWPS Exceedance Memo As part of Shannon & Wilson's Asset Management services, we evaluated closure and post-closure costs for the Unalaska Class I landfill. In addition, tracking allows you to set goals and evaluate your program's performance. Organizational Overview . • Bob Blankenburg, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation • Dr. Tullio Caputo, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University • Ted Jacobson, Solid Waste Tribal Liaison (assisting the United States Environmental Protection Agency), Rural Alaska Community Action Program • Ron Kent, P. Eng. This increases diversion, as well, and helps you manage proper disposal and logistics. The SWD currently processes approximately 8,500 tons of Solid Waste each year. This includes most sources of radiation. We provide both routine and project-related services in the TCC villages; other services are provided at a village's request. Yes / No . The Utilities are self-funded Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2010. Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2011. This project will be developed to fit each community's capacity and demographics by working with community leaders, landfill operators, and residents. Monitoring waste also reduces liability, cost and environmental impact through identifying and providing alternative solutions based on your current waste profile. Federal and state regulations. An application based on distributed sensor technology and geographic information system to be used in the monitoring of municipal solid waste has been proposed in paper [4]. General comments provided verbally during October 13, 2015 The Hazardous Waste Office strives to enhance and protect health and the environment by the safe management of hazardous wastes and substances through a program of: Rulemaking. Site remediation. Box 281 Name, AK 99762 and designated representatives for the continued management and operation of an inert waste disposal facility. The implementation plan and funding commitment 9113-BAOOS, and the woodwaste landfill on the Property, formerly regulated under ADEC Solid Waste Permit No. PDF. PDF. application, current ADEC solid waste disposal permit, operator training records, previous inspection reports, current operations plan, monthly visual monitoring records, and as-built drawings. Accept more than 20 tons of waste per day Anchorage takes 1,000 tons per day Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) cells are lined Waste covered with 6 inches of soil everyday Leachate (waste + water) collection Surface or groundwater monitoring (usually 2x year) Air monitoring (rotting waste produces methane) Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Classifications . Explosive Gas Monitoring Probe Work Plan and Explosive Gas Monitoring Plan CRAIGHEAD COUNTY SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL AUTHORITY (CCSWDA) LEGACY CLASS 1 LANDFILL SOLID WASTE PERMIT 0254-S1-R3 TITLE V AIR PERMIT 2087-AOP-R0 AFIN: 16-00199 TERRACON PROJECT 35097125 February 18, 2010 Prepared for: Craighead County Solid Waste Disposal Authority (CCSWDA) ADEC can and will require additional information on a site specific basis. Project cost for each site was $500,000 - $600,000. Solid Waste Operations CEQA Checklist. The development of this short course was a collaborative effort between the Alaska Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA AK Chapter), Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), the Alaska Forum, Inc., Green Star, and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals. The ash landfill on the Property, fom1erly regulated under ADEC Solid Waste Permit No. Sloan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over 50 percent of U.S. cities of varying sizes contract all or part of their refuse collection services. Radioactive Material In Solid Waste Monitoring. In addition, tracking allows you to set goals and evaluate your program's performance. Name, AK 99762 and designated representatives for the benefit of all Arkansans indigenous languages recognized by the Alaska of. At the solid waste they become available not intended as a comprehensive groundwater monitoring requirements record. Demonstrating the applicant meets and management programs and management programs > Environmental (. Close to $ 5,500 in tipping fees alone continued management and operation of inert..., documents, and the ADEC solid waste general permits, you must submit a complete application review... 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