Superfund Sites in Reuse in Florida | Superfund ... The opening map provides the station names and locations for 49 sites located within confined and unconfined aquifers. (GIS) One site is the Asan area, an agricultural district where pollution sources are scattered and which is mainly underlain by granite of Cretaceous age. industrial SCTLs and groundwater with concentrations of lead that exceed the FDEP Groundwater Cleanup Target Level (GCTL) and USEPA Action Level. Metadata - For more details about this data and the Viewer, please visit the Groundwater Contamination Viewer Overview page in ArcGIS Online. C.D. Map Products | Florida Department of Environmental Protection Plate Shop - Between 1995 and 1997 the risk assessment identified a high potential for contamination in groundwater and soil to affect human health and the environment. 33°1'48.2892" x -95°15'0". Loading Map Direct. For contamination of groundwater of low yield or poor quality, the CTLs specified in Chapter 62-777, F.A.C., Table I groundwater of low yield/poor quality criteria column shall apply to groundwater within the property boundaries, provided that it has been demonstrated to the Department by a minimum of one year of groundwater monitoring data . Close. The opening map provides the station names and locations for 49 sites located within confined and unconfined aquifers. Superfund Sites in Reuse in Florida | US EPA Groundwater Analytical Results APPENDICES Appendix A. Once you enter the map, icons at the bottom of the screen correspond to the search tools within . The latest maps produced by the FDEP were approved in 1994. Figure 1. Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable | Cost and ... In 1992, groundwater underlying this area was determined to have been contaminated by TCE and was traced back to the Former Spellman Engineering Site. Map Direct Quick Start Documents Click the images below to open the maps, or select them from the drop down list. There are no layers shown on the map! Beginning in the 1960s, several industrial businesses operated on site, including the Drum Service Company (DSC). • Fussy Cleaner #11418 (FDEP Facility ID No. This map displays the WBIDs that have been listed as Waters Not Attaining Standards, the TMDLS developed and the areas of the state that are currently involved in a BMAP. ArcNews Winter 2008/2009 Issue -- Florida Aquifer ... monitoring wells to delineate the vertical and lateral extent of groundwater contamination (FDEP Rule 62-780.600(3)(b) FAC and (FDEP Rule 62-780.600(3)(g)2 FAC). The County shall continue to rely onFDEP to monitor the County's groundwater system to determine the extent of any future groundwater c ontamination and FDEP 's information will serve as a database to assess ambient groundwater quality. Report of Groundwater Sampling and Analyses For The groundwater CTLs specified in chapter 62-777, F.A.C., Table I groundwater criteria column, except that for contaminated sites undergoing site rehabilitation pursuant to sections 376.30701 and 376.81, F.S., and petroleum contamination sites being addressed pursuant to section 376.3071, F.S., that are not eligible for state-funded site . FDEP publishes continually updated maps of contaminated sections of the aquifer to FWMDs and pertinent county health departments. PDF Task Order 2-09 Se-wwtp Hypochlorite Spill Contamination ... The 57-acre Zellwood Ground Water Contamination Superfund site is located in Zellwood, Florida, just outside of Orlando. an area which encompasses the ground water contamination and its predicted movement for the next two years. to determine the extent of any future groundwater contamination and FDEP's information will serve as a database to assess ambient groundwater quality. Exhibit B: a survey map depicting existing stormwater features on the property, if any (the DRC restricts enlarging or modifying . This program was developed by FDEP to encourage facilities that stored petroleum products to report any releases of petroleum contaminants to the soil, groundwater or surface water. Aquifers are among the most important sources of drinking water in the United States. Orlando Utilities, Curtis Stanton Energy Center: For over 20 years, groundwater contamination around the plant's coal ash landfill and ponds has been well documented. The report card consists of an analysis of ground water data collected from these stations . C.D. It is supported by the data and analyses contained in the Remedial Investigation (Rl) and R1 Addendum, ORC Advanced™was injected at the site, in cooperation with the property owner, JAA, and timed to coincide with new con-struction in November 2011. Pre-approval protects against the possibility that a well will unknowingly be drilled in an area of existing groundwater contamination. 1:9,244,648. Sediment and surface water are not present at Site 3. Attachment 10 - Groundwater Contamination Plume Map. Beginning in the 1960s, several industrial businesses operated on site, including the Drum Service Company (DSC). On December 22, 2010, FDEP and North Market Street, Inc., formerly known as Zoom to. The Consultant will establish the extent and severity of groundwater contamination by installing wells both within and beyond the contaminant plume. The RCRA Facility Investigation confirmed a source of groundwater contamination, and also discovered another, upgradient area of VOC-contaminated groundwater around Facility 533. GIS Mapping Make your own map EH Water - Program (opens in new window) EH Water Quick Start Guide (<1 MB pdf, opens in new window) EH Water Data Dictionary (<1 MB pdf, opens in new window) Data Available for Download The Well Surveillance Program maintains an extensive database. FDEP Trend Monitoring Network - Ground Water Trends. The eastern half is the Cabot site which contains groundwater contamination from past pinetar, pine oil and charcoal production. McIntosh, Jr. Power Plant: Groundwater around two unlined coal ash landfills and ponds is contaminated with arsenic, cadmium, lead, selenium, and other pollutants above federal and state standards. Loading Map Direct + + + + Initializing User Interface. (SAP) submitted to the FDEP on December 18, 2003, and approved by the FDEP, with some modifications, on February 16, 2004. Map Direct is the department's web-based GIS application, which provides public access to program specific department projects populated with GIS data and imagery. monitoring wells in these ground water contamination areas that are sampled periodically. Welcome to the Drinking Water Mapping Application. • Groundwater contamination • Tools • $900,000 building materials tax refund • Job bonus refund, liability protection, program support • Results • $64-million investment • Mixed-use/mixed-income project • 266 apartments • 200k sq ft. office; 25k sq ft. ground floor retail • Hughes Supply Corporate Headquarters The City proactively sought opportunities to work with United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to address the site. Groundwater at Site 1 will be addressed in the ongoing facilitywide groundwater RI (Site 40). Due to continued off-site, down-gradient migration of groundwater contamination, as well as possible on-site migration of petroleum contamination from an up-gradient site, FDEP authorized MACTEC to develop a new RAP for the site under the Petroleum Preapproval Volusia County shall maintain policies, within its jurisdiction, using information collected in the FDEP groundwater quality studies, to protect the aquifer. The selected action would be implemented for an indefinite period of time. Once all the groundwater RI data are collected and evaluated, the need for response actions to address existing groundwater contamination and prevent further contamination wilt be evaluated. Two sites were selected in order to investigate groundwater contamination and spatial relationships among groundwater quality, topography, geology, landuse and pollution sources. Home » Divisions » Division of Waste Management » Petroleum Restoration Program » Attachment 10 - Groundwater Contamination Plume Map. ROD1 .doc FGW.09.99 ----- Top-of-casing and water table elevation data are included in Table 2. McIntosh, Jr. Power Plant: Groundwater around two unlined coal ash landfills and ponds is contaminated with arsenic, cadmium, lead, selenium, and other pollutants above federal and state standards. The FDEP Petroleum Cleanup Program utilizes State funds for the cleanup of qualified petroleum contaminated sites. The USGS annually monitors groundwater levels in thousands of wells in the United States. . A site assessment concluded that both soil and groundwater at the facility had been contaminated with halogenated VOCs and that the plume extended beyond the boundaries of the site. Potential Source of Contamination (PSC) 46 [Operable Unit (OU) 7] consists of the contaminated soil/sediment, groundwater, and surface water at the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) at Naval Air Station (NAS) Jacksonville [United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Identification Number FL 6170024412]. FDEP Contract WM952 Submitted To: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection . This ROD only addresses surface and subsurface soils located at Site 2. As a result, EPA listed the site on the Superfund program's National Priorities List (NPL) in 1987. 3.2 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING Samples were collected from groundwater monitoring wells listed in Specific Condition 15 of the . Does a Utility Easement intersect with contaminated media (groundwater . Welcome to the Watershed Monitoring Section (WMS) Trend Network Report Card. Additionally, the FDEP has delineated areas of Florida where EDB was historically applied but for which little or no ground water quality data exist. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Geospatial Open Data Groundwater has been identified as a separate site (Site 40) and will be addressed in a future RI/FS. FDEP required a separate DRC with the "owner" of the After closing in 1989, the facility was included in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Program (DSCP). Groundwater at NAS Whiting Field has been identified as a separate site (Site 40, Basewide Groundwater) and will be addressed in a future decision document. The 1998 DRF, 1998 FDEP Eligibility letter, and the most recent soil & groundwater data from the November 2019Overspill Bucket Closure Report are included as Attachment B. • Fussy Cleaner #11418 (FDEP Facility ID No. 100mi. Administered by FDEP Independent of the Florida Brownfields Program Grant of services, performed by FDEP contractors Up to $200,000 for assessment tasks Up to $200,000 for remediation tasks (source removal) Eligibility considerations Meet federal definition of brownfield Applicant did not cause or contribute to contamination Generally, groundwater flow was determined to be from the south to the north, toward the stormwater pond. The 1998 DRF, 1998 FDEP Eligibility letter, and the most recent soil & groundwater data from the November 2019Overspill Bucket Closure Report are included as Attachment B. To search and view mapped delineated areas within Map Direct, browse the map gallery and select the pre-packaged Groundwater Delineation GIS map coverage. Permitted water wells in these areas must meet specific well construction criteria and water testing prior to well use. Welcome to the Watershed Monitoring Section (WMS) Trend Network Report Card. In other words, if an agricultural operation participates in and follows the requirements of the FDACS-administered BMP program, FDEP cannot institute proceedings against the owner of the source of pollution to recover costs or damages associated with the contamination of water caused by the pollutant (see Florida Administrative Code 5M-8.003 . • Documented Groundwater and Surface Water Contamination: Widespread contamination from coal ash in Florida includes (9 sites): 1. Site Vicinity Map Figure 2. The departments mapping and spatial data library are managed through Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Map Direct focus to show Contamination locations. The 57-acre Zellwood Ground Water Contamination Superfund site is located in Zellwood, Florida, just outside of Orlando. In Florida, an estimated 90 percent of drinking water is derived from aquifers, so identifying areas where aquifer systems are more vulnerable to contamination is an essential component of a comprehensive groundwater management and protection program. FDEP Map Direct v7.220103. FDEP Trend Monitoring Network - Ground Water Trends. Groundwater Contamination Map Viewer. Because this remedy will result in contaminated soil and groundwater remaining on site, LUCs will be The site's potentially responsible party (PRP) extracted and treated contaminated groundwater. The objectives of the Site Assessment for the former landfill are to . Cited references include the page number from the reference, as appropriate. In 2002, groundwater treatment ended. (B-MAP), as it will provide more information on septic tank . Groundwater Road Map: Restoring Contaminated Groundwater at Superfund Sites 1 Note: All bold-faced words in the text are defined in the glossary at the end of this fact sheet. offsite contamination under a roadway. In the early 1980s, EPA discovered groundwater contamination under the facility and in a nearby well field. A map showing the soil and groundwater sample point locations from the 2005 and 2009 assessments is provided as Figure 4 . Concentrations of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and total xylenes in groundwater at the site are Zellwood Ground Water Contamination. The property is either (a) not identified as a contaminated site and there is no identified contaminated site within 500 feet, (b) it is identified as a contaminated site, but documentation confirms that the contamination has been remediated, or (c) the pollutants of concern are not present in groundwater at the project site at concentrations . Loading Map Direct + + + - Initializing Data Layers . The FDEP has the responsibility of identifying, or delineating, areas of groundwater . "Delineated Contamination Areas" program is described in rules in Chapter 62-524 of the Florida Administrative Code, this rule defines the areas, helpful links, emails, addresses and contact phone numbers which apply to these areas, ways of identifying, or delineating, areas of groundwater contamination, email, phone list for the "Delineated . Data shows concentrations of aluminum, chloride, iron, manganese, and sodium five to hundreds of times above FDEP Groundwater and Surface Water Clean-up Target Levels. • When a utility applies to FDEP for a permit to construct or modify a facility that provides reclaimed water for irrigation purposes, the utility must provide FDEP with reasonable assurances that the project will not "cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards in surface waters." Rules 62-610.850(1)(a); 610.800(1), F.A.C. Groundwater level data are collected and stored as either discrete field-water-level measurements or as continuous time-series data from automated recorders. • Marathon Woolbright #613(FDEP Facility No. The facility has one open discharge. Zoom to The rules are included in Chapter 62-524 of the Florida Administrative Code. This GIS layer is intended to be used by regulatory agencies issuing potable water well construction permits in areas of ground water contamination to protect public health and the ground water resource. Zellwood Ground Water Contamination. New & Improved Map Viewers. The Delineated Contamination Areas Program is a cooperative effort between state agencies under the overall supervision of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). This program was developed by FDEP to encourage facilities that stored petroleum products to report any releases of petroleum contaminants to the soil, groundwater or surface water. address actual or potential groundwater contamination at the site. ERIC_5164) is located at 20401 US Hwy 441, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida 33498. Imagery with Roads. 1998, PLIRP eligible discharge. Powered by ESRI. 1.5 Description of the Selected Remedy This ROD Amendment presents the final remedy for soil at OU 2, Site 11. . the Legal Description of the Property. (19) For sites conducting active groundwater remediation, if the site does not meet the No Further Action criteria of subsection 62-770.680(1), F.A.C., or the Natural Attenuation Monitoring criteria of Rule 62-770.690, F.A.C., the responsible party may submit to the Department or to the FDEP local program for review two copies of a proposal to . 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Groundwater Sampling Logs and Calibration Logs Appendix B. Florida DEP Welcome to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) Contamination Locator Map (CLM -"Clem"). Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain of Custody Record Appendix C FDEP Contamination Locator Maps Superfund Sites in Reuse in Florida | Superfund ... The opening map provides the station names and locations for 49 sites located within confined and unconfined aquifers. (GIS) One site is the Asan area, an agricultural district where pollution sources are scattered and which is mainly underlain by granite of Cretaceous age. industrial SCTLs and groundwater with concentrations of lead that exceed the FDEP Groundwater Cleanup Target Level (GCTL) and USEPA Action Level. Metadata - For more details about this data and the Viewer, please visit the Groundwater Contamination Viewer Overview page in ArcGIS Online. C.D. Map Products | Florida Department of Environmental Protection Plate Shop - Between 1995 and 1997 the risk assessment identified a high potential for contamination in groundwater and soil to affect human health and the environment. 33°1'48.2892" x -95°15'0". Loading Map Direct. For contamination of groundwater of low yield or poor quality, the CTLs specified in Chapter 62-777, F.A.C., Table I groundwater of low yield/poor quality criteria column shall apply to groundwater within the property boundaries, provided that it has been demonstrated to the Department by a minimum of one year of groundwater monitoring data . Close. The opening map provides the station names and locations for 49 sites located within confined and unconfined aquifers. Superfund Sites in Reuse in Florida | US EPA Groundwater Analytical Results APPENDICES Appendix A. Once you enter the map, icons at the bottom of the screen correspond to the search tools within . The latest maps produced by the FDEP were approved in 1994. Figure 1. Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable | Cost and ... In 1992, groundwater underlying this area was determined to have been contaminated by TCE and was traced back to the Former Spellman Engineering Site. Map Direct Quick Start Documents Click the images below to open the maps, or select them from the drop down list. There are no layers shown on the map! Beginning in the 1960s, several industrial businesses operated on site, including the Drum Service Company (DSC). • Fussy Cleaner #11418 (FDEP Facility ID No. This map displays the WBIDs that have been listed as Waters Not Attaining Standards, the TMDLS developed and the areas of the state that are currently involved in a BMAP. ArcNews Winter 2008/2009 Issue -- Florida Aquifer ... monitoring wells to delineate the vertical and lateral extent of groundwater contamination (FDEP Rule 62-780.600(3)(b) FAC and (FDEP Rule 62-780.600(3)(g)2 FAC). The County shall continue to rely onFDEP to monitor the County's groundwater system to determine the extent of any future groundwater c ontamination and FDEP 's information will serve as a database to assess ambient groundwater quality. Report of Groundwater Sampling and Analyses For The groundwater CTLs specified in chapter 62-777, F.A.C., Table I groundwater criteria column, except that for contaminated sites undergoing site rehabilitation pursuant to sections 376.30701 and 376.81, F.S., and petroleum contamination sites being addressed pursuant to section 376.3071, F.S., that are not eligible for state-funded site . FDEP publishes continually updated maps of contaminated sections of the aquifer to FWMDs and pertinent county health departments. PDF Task Order 2-09 Se-wwtp Hypochlorite Spill Contamination ... The 57-acre Zellwood Ground Water Contamination Superfund site is located in Zellwood, Florida, just outside of Orlando. an area which encompasses the ground water contamination and its predicted movement for the next two years. to determine the extent of any future groundwater contamination and FDEP's information will serve as a database to assess ambient groundwater quality. Exhibit B: a survey map depicting existing stormwater features on the property, if any (the DRC restricts enlarging or modifying . This program was developed by FDEP to encourage facilities that stored petroleum products to report any releases of petroleum contaminants to the soil, groundwater or surface water. Aquifers are among the most important sources of drinking water in the United States. Orlando Utilities, Curtis Stanton Energy Center: For over 20 years, groundwater contamination around the plant's coal ash landfill and ponds has been well documented. The report card consists of an analysis of ground water data collected from these stations . C.D. It is supported by the data and analyses contained in the Remedial Investigation (Rl) and R1 Addendum, ORC Advanced™was injected at the site, in cooperation with the property owner, JAA, and timed to coincide with new con-struction in November 2011. Pre-approval protects against the possibility that a well will unknowingly be drilled in an area of existing groundwater contamination. 1:9,244,648. Sediment and surface water are not present at Site 3. Attachment 10 - Groundwater Contamination Plume Map. Beginning in the 1960s, several industrial businesses operated on site, including the Drum Service Company (DSC). On December 22, 2010, FDEP and North Market Street, Inc., formerly known as Zoom to. The Consultant will establish the extent and severity of groundwater contamination by installing wells both within and beyond the contaminant plume. The RCRA Facility Investigation confirmed a source of groundwater contamination, and also discovered another, upgradient area of VOC-contaminated groundwater around Facility 533. GIS Mapping Make your own map EH Water - Program (opens in new window) EH Water Quick Start Guide (<1 MB pdf, opens in new window) EH Water Data Dictionary (<1 MB pdf, opens in new window) Data Available for Download The Well Surveillance Program maintains an extensive database. FDEP Trend Monitoring Network - Ground Water Trends. The eastern half is the Cabot site which contains groundwater contamination from past pinetar, pine oil and charcoal production. McIntosh, Jr. Power Plant: Groundwater around two unlined coal ash landfills and ponds is contaminated with arsenic, cadmium, lead, selenium, and other pollutants above federal and state standards. Loading Map Direct + + + + Initializing User Interface. (SAP) submitted to the FDEP on December 18, 2003, and approved by the FDEP, with some modifications, on February 16, 2004. Map Direct is the department's web-based GIS application, which provides public access to program specific department projects populated with GIS data and imagery. monitoring wells in these ground water contamination areas that are sampled periodically. Welcome to the Drinking Water Mapping Application. • Groundwater contamination • Tools • $900,000 building materials tax refund • Job bonus refund, liability protection, program support • Results • $64-million investment • Mixed-use/mixed-income project • 266 apartments • 200k sq ft. office; 25k sq ft. ground floor retail • Hughes Supply Corporate Headquarters The City proactively sought opportunities to work with United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to address the site. Groundwater at Site 1 will be addressed in the ongoing facilitywide groundwater RI (Site 40). Due to continued off-site, down-gradient migration of groundwater contamination, as well as possible on-site migration of petroleum contamination from an up-gradient site, FDEP authorized MACTEC to develop a new RAP for the site under the Petroleum Preapproval Volusia County shall maintain policies, within its jurisdiction, using information collected in the FDEP groundwater quality studies, to protect the aquifer. The selected action would be implemented for an indefinite period of time. Once all the groundwater RI data are collected and evaluated, the need for response actions to address existing groundwater contamination and prevent further contamination wilt be evaluated. Two sites were selected in order to investigate groundwater contamination and spatial relationships among groundwater quality, topography, geology, landuse and pollution sources. Home » Divisions » Division of Waste Management » Petroleum Restoration Program » Attachment 10 - Groundwater Contamination Plume Map. ROD1 .doc FGW.09.99 ----- Top-of-casing and water table elevation data are included in Table 2. McIntosh, Jr. Power Plant: Groundwater around two unlined coal ash landfills and ponds is contaminated with arsenic, cadmium, lead, selenium, and other pollutants above federal and state standards. The FDEP Petroleum Cleanup Program utilizes State funds for the cleanup of qualified petroleum contaminated sites. The USGS annually monitors groundwater levels in thousands of wells in the United States. . A site assessment concluded that both soil and groundwater at the facility had been contaminated with halogenated VOCs and that the plume extended beyond the boundaries of the site. Potential Source of Contamination (PSC) 46 [Operable Unit (OU) 7] consists of the contaminated soil/sediment, groundwater, and surface water at the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) at Naval Air Station (NAS) Jacksonville [United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Identification Number FL 6170024412]. FDEP Contract WM952 Submitted To: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection . This ROD only addresses surface and subsurface soils located at Site 2. As a result, EPA listed the site on the Superfund program's National Priorities List (NPL) in 1987. 3.2 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING Samples were collected from groundwater monitoring wells listed in Specific Condition 15 of the . Does a Utility Easement intersect with contaminated media (groundwater . Welcome to the Watershed Monitoring Section (WMS) Trend Network Report Card. Additionally, the FDEP has delineated areas of Florida where EDB was historically applied but for which little or no ground water quality data exist. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Geospatial Open Data Groundwater has been identified as a separate site (Site 40) and will be addressed in a future RI/FS. FDEP required a separate DRC with the "owner" of the After closing in 1989, the facility was included in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Program (DSCP). Groundwater at NAS Whiting Field has been identified as a separate site (Site 40, Basewide Groundwater) and will be addressed in a future decision document. The 1998 DRF, 1998 FDEP Eligibility letter, and the most recent soil & groundwater data from the November 2019Overspill Bucket Closure Report are included as Attachment B. • Fussy Cleaner #11418 (FDEP Facility ID No. 100mi. Administered by FDEP Independent of the Florida Brownfields Program Grant of services, performed by FDEP contractors Up to $200,000 for assessment tasks Up to $200,000 for remediation tasks (source removal) Eligibility considerations Meet federal definition of brownfield Applicant did not cause or contribute to contamination Generally, groundwater flow was determined to be from the south to the north, toward the stormwater pond. The 1998 DRF, 1998 FDEP Eligibility letter, and the most recent soil & groundwater data from the November 2019Overspill Bucket Closure Report are included as Attachment B. To search and view mapped delineated areas within Map Direct, browse the map gallery and select the pre-packaged Groundwater Delineation GIS map coverage. Permitted water wells in these areas must meet specific well construction criteria and water testing prior to well use. Welcome to the Watershed Monitoring Section (WMS) Trend Network Report Card. In other words, if an agricultural operation participates in and follows the requirements of the FDACS-administered BMP program, FDEP cannot institute proceedings against the owner of the source of pollution to recover costs or damages associated with the contamination of water caused by the pollutant (see Florida Administrative Code 5M-8.003 . • Documented Groundwater and Surface Water Contamination: Widespread contamination from coal ash in Florida includes (9 sites): 1. Site Vicinity Map Figure 2. The departments mapping and spatial data library are managed through Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Map Direct focus to show Contamination locations. The 57-acre Zellwood Ground Water Contamination Superfund site is located in Zellwood, Florida, just outside of Orlando. In Florida, an estimated 90 percent of drinking water is derived from aquifers, so identifying areas where aquifer systems are more vulnerable to contamination is an essential component of a comprehensive groundwater management and protection program. FDEP Map Direct v7.220103. FDEP Trend Monitoring Network - Ground Water Trends. Groundwater Contamination Map Viewer. Because this remedy will result in contaminated soil and groundwater remaining on site, LUCs will be The site's potentially responsible party (PRP) extracted and treated contaminated groundwater. The objectives of the Site Assessment for the former landfill are to . Cited references include the page number from the reference, as appropriate. In 2002, groundwater treatment ended. (B-MAP), as it will provide more information on septic tank . Groundwater Road Map: Restoring Contaminated Groundwater at Superfund Sites 1 Note: All bold-faced words in the text are defined in the glossary at the end of this fact sheet. offsite contamination under a roadway. In the early 1980s, EPA discovered groundwater contamination under the facility and in a nearby well field. A map showing the soil and groundwater sample point locations from the 2005 and 2009 assessments is provided as Figure 4 . Concentrations of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and total xylenes in groundwater at the site are Zellwood Ground Water Contamination. The property is either (a) not identified as a contaminated site and there is no identified contaminated site within 500 feet, (b) it is identified as a contaminated site, but documentation confirms that the contamination has been remediated, or (c) the pollutants of concern are not present in groundwater at the project site at concentrations . Loading Map Direct + + + - Initializing Data Layers . The FDEP has the responsibility of identifying, or delineating, areas of groundwater . "Delineated Contamination Areas" program is described in rules in Chapter 62-524 of the Florida Administrative Code, this rule defines the areas, helpful links, emails, addresses and contact phone numbers which apply to these areas, ways of identifying, or delineating, areas of groundwater contamination, email, phone list for the "Delineated . Data shows concentrations of aluminum, chloride, iron, manganese, and sodium five to hundreds of times above FDEP Groundwater and Surface Water Clean-up Target Levels. • When a utility applies to FDEP for a permit to construct or modify a facility that provides reclaimed water for irrigation purposes, the utility must provide FDEP with reasonable assurances that the project will not "cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards in surface waters." Rules 62-610.850(1)(a); 610.800(1), F.A.C. Groundwater level data are collected and stored as either discrete field-water-level measurements or as continuous time-series data from automated recorders. • Marathon Woolbright #613(FDEP Facility No. The facility has one open discharge. Zoom to The rules are included in Chapter 62-524 of the Florida Administrative Code. This GIS layer is intended to be used by regulatory agencies issuing potable water well construction permits in areas of ground water contamination to protect public health and the ground water resource. Zellwood Ground Water Contamination. New & Improved Map Viewers. The Delineated Contamination Areas Program is a cooperative effort between state agencies under the overall supervision of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). This program was developed by FDEP to encourage facilities that stored petroleum products to report any releases of petroleum contaminants to the soil, groundwater or surface water. address actual or potential groundwater contamination at the site. ERIC_5164) is located at 20401 US Hwy 441, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida 33498. Imagery with Roads. 1998, PLIRP eligible discharge. Powered by ESRI. 1.5 Description of the Selected Remedy This ROD Amendment presents the final remedy for soil at OU 2, Site 11. . the Legal Description of the Property. (19) For sites conducting active groundwater remediation, if the site does not meet the No Further Action criteria of subsection 62-770.680(1), F.A.C., or the Natural Attenuation Monitoring criteria of Rule 62-770.690, F.A.C., the responsible party may submit to the Department or to the FDEP local program for review two copies of a proposal to . 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