Amarok - Gigantic wolf that hunts alone Amphisbaena - Snake with a head at each end Antmen - Four weapon bearing arms, red eyes and a crushing jaw Bonnacon - Wild bull-like creature with horns Bunyip - Large water monster, huge mouth, crocodile tail Camazotz - A giant, evil vampire bat demon Caladrius - Mythical snow-white bird List of legendary creatures from Japan - Wikipedia List of hybrid creatures in folklore - Wikipedia Mythical Creatures, Fantasy Animals, and Supernatural Beings I've included many types of mythical creatures, including humanoid creatures and magical animals, from Norse mythology, Greek and Roman mythology, Asian folklore, Native American . Daoine maithe means "good people". A banshee Banshee. The following mythical animals list details a few of the most important examples: The Kraken is a large sea creature probably based on the giant squid. Abominable Snowman - Giant human-like body, white shaggy fur, big feet. It was a difficult job to list only ten products for Folklore where thousands of them available online. 50 Paranormal Creatures from Around the World | Ghosts and ... This is a list of legendary creatures from mythology, folklore and fairy tales, sorted by their classification or affiliation. However, the presence of these creatures has often been described in folklore, legends, fables, poetry, mythology, fairy tales, novels, myths and varied forms of fiction. 10 Lesser-Known Folklore Creatures in the World - WondersList 30 Mythical Creatures 1. ; Black Dog - An evil spirit dog that stalks city streets at night. ; Bigfoot - A type of Sasquatch native to North American forests. The horse has one eye and it breathes disease and has really long arms that reach the ground from where the human part is 'sitting.' It also has no skin and is considered to be the most evil creature in Orcadian mythology." — McZerky. This female spirit in Irish folklore heralds the death of a family member by wailing at nightfall.. Bodach. Al-mi'raj lived on a mysterious island named Jezîrat al-Tennyn within Indian Ocean. List of legendary creatures by type - Wikipedia 30 Mythical Creatures. Here is a list of (almost) all Slavic mythical creatures. The Moth Man - This legendary creature, described as a man-sized bird, was reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia in the mid-1960s.. Murphysboro Mud Monster - Prowling Southern Illinois in the 1970s was a huge, wet, hairy, mud-slathered monstrosity.. La Llorona - " La Llorona, or The Weeping Woman, is a widespread legend throughout the region of Hispanic America." Teke Teke - "The ghost of a young woman, or school girl, who fell on a railway line and was cut in half by the oncoming train. These are some of the most amazing creatures of the forests and waters in Finnish mythology to keep an eye out for. The first of two creatures on this list from the Phillipines, the Manananggal is a blood-sucking witch-like creature that has a penchant for tearing itself in half at the abdomen, flying into the . So why are they at the top of the list of the most terrifying Polish folklore creatures? Photo: Screenshot from "Internet Archive" of the trailer for Dracula (1931), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Antmen - Four weapon bearing arms, red eyes and a crushing jaw. This is a list of legendary creatures from mythology, folklore and fairy tales, sorted by their classification or affiliation. Mythical Creatures. It stealthily enters into graveyards and even funerals to steal corpses and feed on them. This mythological creature in Irish folklore is the equivalent of a boogeyman. Caoránach. This mythical creatures list shows a sample of such creatures: Creatures with exaggerated, extra, or missing body parts are found among all mythical creatures the world over. It stealthily enters into graveyards and even funerals to steal corpses and feed on them. 15. 35 Mythical Creatures from Mythology, Folklore, Fairytales and Legends 1. The crafty Nix, more false than fair, Whose haunt in arrowy Iser lies, The folklore of medieval Europe was a mixture of legends from various sources, such as ancient regional stories mixed with Judeo-Christian religious tales and myths from the Roman Empire and the Near East. Al-mi'raj is a mythical creature in Islamic mythology which is basically a hare (rabbit) with a single horn on its forehead much like a unicorn. ; Banshee - A spirit appearing as a frenzied old woman whose high pitched shriek prophesied a death soon to come. The Nix by Richard Garnett. She'd ask children 'Am I pretty?' and if they answered yes, she removed her mask and asked again. Banshee Doppelganger Basilisk Loup Garou/Rougarou Briareus Brynhildr Upir Centaur Cerberus Chimera Orthrus Sphinx Nemean Lion Ladon Lernean Hydra Caucasian Eagle Arachne Cyclopes Harpies Medusa Minotaur Pegasus Scylla Sirens Acephali Acephali were human-like creatures that were believed to have lived in Libya. Vampires. Dobhar-chú This deadly Irish mythological creature can be found widely in Irish folklore. The following is a list of lists of legendary creatures, beings and entities from the folklore record. The following is a list of lists of legendary creatures, beings and entities from the folklore record. This monster is not just gross, it's very sneaky, for after . Many have their basis in Mythology and some have emerged from cultural folklore. Monopods are. In Greek mythology, The Cetus was a deadly sea monster pursued by both Persus and Heracles. Purists are of the opinion mythical creatures have been described in historical accounts long before history emerged as a branch of science. De haut en bas : un griffon, une harpie, un satyre, un titan, un hippocampe et une sirène. 35 Mythical Creatures from Mythology, Folklore, Fairytales and Legends 1. Gargoyle England Brooding creatures that are supposed to scare evil spirits away. 1. Bal Bal, Phillipines. However, the presence of these creatures has often been described in folklore, legends, fables, poetry, mythology, fairy tales, novels, myths and other varied forms of fiction. Aigamuxa - Human-like mythical creatures with eyes on their feet. Certaines de ces créatures de . 1. Photo: Screenshot from "Internet Archive" of the trailer for Dracula (1931), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. List of Mythical Creatures A-C. Alicorn - The name for a winged unicorn. Leur existence n'a pas été prouvée de manière scientifique. Vampires. They range from monstrous creatures and chimera, hybrids like the Minotaur of ancient Greece . Creatures from modern fantasy fiction and role-playing games are not included. ; Basilisk - A legendary lizard who could kill a man with its stare. Find a list of the best, and ones dealing with some of the most obscure or rarely depicted critters! Bunyip - Large water monster, huge mouth, crocodile tail. Creatures from modern fantasy fiction and role-playing games are not included. Purists are of the opinion mythical creatures have been described in historical accounts long before history emerged as a branch of science. There are mystical mythical creatures that inhabit land, the sea and the air. The third creature in our list of mythical creatures hails from the East. Contents 1 Alkonost 2 Azhdaya 3 Baba Yaga 4 Babaroga 5 Balachko 6 Bauk 7 Beda 8 Bes 9 Besomar 10 Bukavac 11 Chort 12 Chuma 13 Danitsa 14 Domovoy 15 Drekavac 16 Gamayun 17 German 18 Kikimora 19 Lesnik 20 Likho 21 Milosnitse 22 Mora 23 Nav 24 Nezhit 25 Osenya 26 Patuljak 27 Poludnitsa According to ancient Irish folklore, a Caoránach is the mother of demons and deathly spirits. Grootslang South Africa Massive serpentine elephant that plagues a deep cave in Richtersveld. Akkorokamui. Black Annis England Pale blue witch with iron talons and a taste for humans, especially children. Some of them are good natured, but others are best avoided at all costs. However, the presence of these creatures has often been described in folklore, legends, fables, poetry, mythology, fairy tales, novels, myths and varied forms of fiction. Golems Famous in Jewish folklore, golems are most often depicted as beings created from inanimate matter such as clay or mud, which have been brought to life to serve some. Entries consist of legendary and unique creatures, not of particularly unique individuals of a commonly known species. The wide lakes and dense forests of Finland have always had a strong fascination and mysticism to those who live there and have inspired many mythological creatures and figures. Adze Togo, Ghana Vampire that transforms into a firefly, biting people in their sleep and - killing them. Bluecap - "A bluecap is a mythical fairy or ghost in English folklore that inhabits mines and appears as a . The folklore of medieval Europe was a mixture of legends from various sources, such as ancient regional stories mixed with Judeo-Christian religious tales and myths from the Roman Empire and the Near East. Domovoi - "A domovoi or domovoy is a protective house spirit in Slavic folklore.". The first of two creatures on this list from the Phillipines, the Manananggal is a blood-sucking witch-like creature that has a penchant for tearing itself in half at the abdomen, flying into the . The Mystery of the Thunderbird Photo - A mysterious creature that was said to have been captured near the town of . Blog - Posted on Wednesday, Feb 20 30 Mythical Creatures (and Where to Find Them) One of the beautiful things about genre fiction is how authors are able to bring mythical creatures to life on the page — whether that's a demonic being in a horror novel or a winged sidekick in a fantasy series.And while many of the creatures you see in the pages of your favorite books are original . Famous in Jewish folklore, golems are most often depicted as beings created from inanimate matter such as clay or mud, which have been brought to life to serve . chimera - this monstrous mythical beast of ancient Greece has the body and head of a lion, a goat's head sticking out of its back, a set of goat-udders just for fun, and a serpentine tail. ESL China 10 Strongest Rivalries in the Animal Kingdom ESL Demo Lesson: "Animals" Vocabulary (for all ages and levels) Lions is . The Cetus constellation, "whale" is located near other water related constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces, and Erinanus. Mythical Creatures. A beautiful woman wearing one of those cloth masks, roaming the streets at night. Donn Cúailnge The half-dog, half-otter is a land- and water-dwelling creature that feasts on human flesh. Legendary monsters thrive in North American lore, of that there is no doubt. It's the torso of a human fused to the torso of a horse. However, as you may know, these fire-breathing monsters, gifted with high intelligence, magic, knowledge of human speech, are not a Polish creation. Whether or not people believed in all of these creatures is difficult to say, since it was not really the point to believe or disbelieve (although many would have been convinced of the . Cerberus - this is one of the most dangerous or evil Greek mythological creatures: a three-headed dog that guards the door of the Underworld in Greek mythology. You can trust our selection for Folklore Reviews. Bake-kujira - ghost whale; Ceffyl Dŵr . If the kid answers yes or screams, she cuts them to resemble herself. Purists are of the opinion that mythical creatures have been described in historical accounts long before history emerged as a branch of science. Image Credit: There are many supernatural creatures to be found in Scottish/Gaelic folklore, Scotland has a rich Culture going back over 2,000 years.Scottish mythology has emerged throughout our history, stories were then passed on by word of mouth sometimes being elaborated upon by successive generations Baobhan Sith… Said to be able to breathe fire from lion's mouth. Bell Witch - "The Bell Witch is a poltergeist legend from Southern folklore, centered on the 19th-century Bell family of Adams, Tennessee.". In the 1890's, something changed in the way common Scandinavians saw themselves and their culture. Cette liste regroupe les créatures légendaires, c'est-à-dire des créatures dont l'existence a été l'objet de croyances passées ou actuelles. Daoine maithe This is a collective term used to describe fairies in Ireland. As a mythical sea creature from Japanese folklore, the Akkorkamui is a gigantic octopus. The Scandinavian Folklore consists of a huge variety of creatures, good or evil, which have frightened people for centuries. Bal Bal, Phillipines Bal Bal is a Filipino monster and eater of the dead. Entries consist of legendary and unique creatures, not of particularly unique individuals of a commonly known species. The creepy folklore creatures in this list are lesser known, take a look and see if they give you the chills: 10. Animals, creatures associated with Aquatic and marine mammals. They were often meant to scare children, but even today they are essential and important to the modern northern society. The creepy folklore creatures in this list are lesser known, take a look and see if they give you the chills: 10. There are mystical mythical creatures that inhabit land, the sea and the air. It is said to attack ships at sea, sinking . Minotaur Typhon Arachne Black Dog England Omen of death, associated with electrical storms, crossroads, and sites of execution. Creatures of legend, folklore, myth, or iconic creatures of pop culture, have, once in a while, been done very well in films. Mermaids "Mermaids are so diverse. Because, as is the case with many common European monsters, Polish folklore includes several dragons that . I first created this mythical creatures list for writers, but as it turned out, lots of people were interested in fantasy creatures, mythical beasts, and more. I hope it will help you to take final decision for Best Folklore. Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. Fantasy creatures are a timeless fascination of people all over the world. 28. The Slit-Mouthed Woman "There's Kuchisake-onna, (the Slit-Mouthed Woman). Whether or not people believed in all of these creatures is difficult to say, since it was not really the point to believe or disbelieve (although many would have been convinced of the . a supernatural creature originally in Germanic folklore and conceived of in many forms but usually as having the form of a woman or as half human and half fish, dwelling in fresh water usually in a beautiful palace, and usually unfriendly to man. Inkanyamba South Africa Gigantic, winged eel with a voracious appetite that is . Because We have worked hard studying and analyzing 37492 reviews for Folklore and rating them. They range from monstrous creatures and chimera, hybrids like the Minotaur of ancient Greece . Chalkydri - Creatures with twelve angel wings, the body of a lion, and the head of a crocodile mentioned in 2 Enoch; Chimera - A Greek mythology creature with the head and front legs of a lion, the head and back legs of a goat, and the head of a snake for a tail. Fantasy creatures are a timeless fascination of people all over the world. The following is a list of demons, ghosts, kami, obake, yōkai, yūrei and other legendary creatures that are notable in Japanese folklore and mythology Contents 0-9 Golems. 45 Scary and Disturbing Mythical Creatures from Around the World. Supernatural Creatures in Scottish Folklore .this is a list of them. Many have their basis in Mythology and some have emerged from cultural folklore. MYTHICAL CREATURES A-Z LIST. Narrowing the array down to a "Top 5" or "Most Popular" listing of creatures that make up the landscape of North American mythology and folklore is a difficult task. Bal Bal is a Filipino monster and eater of the dead. 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